Tell us a little bit about you, your background, education, and accolades.

Growing up, I loved to play sports. I played football and wrestling in school and every other sport in the backyard with friends.My first year on the varsity football team, we had a lifting program that was not mandatory. Each athlete had a personalized lifting program and their program was located in one of two folders. One labeled "strong" and one labeled "weak". I was not very strong at the time and I looked for my program in the weak folder. I could not find it and asked the coach to help me locate it. He told me, "It's not in the weak folder, it's in the strong folder". He then said, "It doesn't matter how much you can lift. It matters that you show up every day! You're here and putting in time to get stronger, so you're in the strong folder:" I will always remember how good I felt at that moment and how much that impacted me. It reminds me to stay committed to get better each day. That is what made me want to be a coach. To be able to impact people and help improve their health and confidence. I started CrossFit in March of 2017 and earned my L1 in November of 2018. I started coaching, in December of 2018. I look forward to earning more certifications and continuing my fitness education.

What do you enjoy most about coaching at NOVA?

I am new to NOVA, but since day one, the other coaches and members made me feel like I have been here for much longer. The coaches development is top notch. NOVA was highly recommended to me by one of the other coaches.When NOVA East, opened in Victor, I was brought in to start my on-ramping process to become a coach. It did not take long to know that NOVA is the place for me. This is much more than a gym. It is a community. The members are very supportive of each other, and always pushing each other to get better. Our programming is custom to our gym and our members.

What was your most memorable coaching moment at NOVA?

I had an athlete come in on a Saturday all by herself. The WOD had deadlifts and thrusters. She had never done a deadlift before and had no idea what a thruster was.By the end of the workout, she was asking me to take pics of her doing deadlifts, because she wanted to send them to her son who is in the military. She said that he does these movements all of the time and won't believe that she is doing them now.It was great to see the excitement on her face. That's the most rewarding part of being a coach.

What is one way CrossFit has positively impacted your daily life?

It is hard to narrow it down to just one! CrossFit has had such a HUGE, positive impact. The overall improvement of my physical and mental health. Being part of a great community and family and support system.And, of course, being able to talk about CrossFit, all of the time!

What advice would you give to someone new to CrossFit?

Don't be intimidated. CrossFit truly is for EVERYONE! Stay consistent and enjoy the process. You don't have to be fit to get started, but you will get fit! Record all of your scores and numbers, so you can see the progress.This is one decision, that you'll never regret.